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Head of section: Usumain Baraka


The main goal of the sector is to provide ongoing services to students who are defined as unique populations on campus, both academically and socially. The sector seeks to assist in their connection and integration on campus, while promoting and leveraging their various rights. The populations include - students with learning disabilities, new immigrants, pregnant women, parents, students from various ethnic backgrounds, students with physical disabilities, mental disabilities and more.

Throughout the year, the sector operates in three main areas: it protects and promotes the rights of the populations in IDC regulations; provides guidance and services to according to the students' needs; and creates special projects according to the needs of each population.

The sector aims to provide a platform to these populations, while creating an accessible, pleasant and suitable environment. That is, to enable the success of the students within the academic and social framework.


•    Motivation to take part in meaningful work
•    Good interpersonal skills- emphasis on teamwork.
•    Desire to influence and lead projects and procedures both on the academic and event producing level.
•    Creative thinking, "outside the box thinking"
•    And could include moving the projects independently.
•    Advantage- English proficiency (writing and speaking)

Apply here:


Unique Populations Sector 

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